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Services we provide in the area of ​​HOUSING AND RENTALS:

Our lawyers are specialists in all types of procedures related to renting, leasing and housing. Where appropriate we will prepare, draft and / or review all contracts pertaining to the above.

In property leases, for example, as in general what has been established by law prevails and must be stipulated so in the contract. For this reason, our lawyers will carefully study and evaluate any and all communications received by the Lessee (leaseholder) issued by the Lessor or the Lease Administrator so as to ensure that the content of the communication is in compliance with current regulations and rental laws and that all objectives are met so to avoid any repercussions or impacts from income variations, upgrades and / or renovations.

Our lawyers will attempt to mediate an out of court settlement and provide a viable resolution that has your best interest in mind.

Covered subjects

  • Evictions.
  • Rental Agreements and Contract Drafting.
  • Subrogation and Contract Extensions.
  • Subleases.
  • Renovations.
  • Official Communications directed to property manager.
  • Joint Ownership.
  • Resolutions of Contract and procedures involving lessee/tenant.
  • Non-payment/default on rent.
  • Drafting, preparation and review of all types of leases (housing, seasonal, local business).
  • Drafting of Condominium Associations rules and regulations.