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Services we provide in the area of ​​Legal Compliance:

The latest reforms in the Penal Code have introduced significant developments in the commercial field: Criminal Responsibility of Companies and Prevention as the only effective way to avoid this responsibility.

Therefore, the way to prevent that commercial companies are able to be charged by the commission of acts of a criminal nature is the establishment of a Compliance Program to ensure all internal areas of the Company's compliance with the law.

Tax evasion, fraud, unfair competition, concealment of assets or crimes against the environment are some examples of events by which a society can be convicted, and the company may be ordered to pay a fine, suspension of activities, temporary closure of premises or judicial intervention of society.

Therefore, in our office we offer the possibility of creating a Compliance Program tailored to the needs of your business, both nationally and internationally, adapted to ISO 19600.

The goal is the scope of an organizational system of your company based on the principles of good governance, proportionality, transparency and sustainability, enabling your company to avoid that, in the future, it appears implicated in criminal proceedings with unpredictable consequences.

Covered subjects

  • Risk analysis of your company.
  • Formulation of a Code of Ethics and Conduct that will govern the external and internal relations of the Company.
  • Training the entire company organization in relation to the Code.
  • Establishment of an effective internal channel of complaints for the violation of the Code, and creation of a disciplinary system when a violation occurs.
  • Program supervision.

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