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Services we provide in the area of ​​LABOUR LAW:

Our day to day involves our engagement at work, whether as a business owner, as a freelance agent and/ or self-employed individual or as an employee. Over the course of time certain actions or situations that arise can change or modify the initial employment or raise doubts as to whether or not all our rights and duties are being reciprocally fulfilled as stipulated in the work contracts.

Our lawyers are here to provide you with council whether as a business owner or employee. Our objective is to defend your respective rights either for the reconciliation of contract fulfillments, services and / or for all other judicial and / or administrative settlements.

Covered subjects

  • Dismissals.
  • Wage Claims.
  • Substantial changes in working conditions.
  • Disability.
  • Disputes between employer and employees.
  • Dismissal Settlements.
  • Harrassement and Mobbing.
  • All types of Labor Lawsuit.
  • Processing of Retirement and Disability Packages.
  • Functional and Geographical Mobility.
  • Vacation Days and Pay.
  • Transfers.
  • Work related Accidents.