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If your income has been decreased or you have been fired from your job, shall you continue paying the same amount of alimony?

The Government decreed the State of Alarm via the Real Decreto 463/2020, 14th March. This measure has obliged many Companies to close doors, resulting this in the end of their activities, or at least a considerable reduction of them. Consequently, there have been a lot of layoffs.

Because this chain of reactions, there currently are a lot of parents that are unemployed and, therefore, without any incomes or with their incomes being heavily decreased, and there are multiple doubts that appear from this extraordinary situation originated by the State of Alarm motivated by the expansion of the COVID-19 and, for this reason, in this article we are going to respond the following questions:

“Shall I continue paying the alimony? Shall I pay it indifferently, even though I have been fired?”

We have to remember that the compliance of the Sentences, in any case, is of mandatory compliance and, in case of not acting as stablished, the other progenitor will have the right to urge an execution claim that obliges the other to comply the judicial resolution terms.

As a consequence, the situation of the State of Alarm, even though being an exceptional situation without precedents, does not excuse, by itself, the compliance of the statements stablished in the corresponding resolution.

Then, the response to our two questions, is affirmative.

As for whether the alimony must continue to be paid, note that it must be taken into account that it is a monthly contribution, calculated according to the annual pro rata of all the expenses of the children for the basic support of the children and, therefore, must continue to be paid in the same amount that was established in the divorce or custody judgment (with the relevant update) and this, even though these expenses and needs have been altered by the current crisis and are higher, or in some cases lower (case that the school does not turn the receipt, or there are no excursions or other school expenses for example), being that in the same way the extraordinary expenses of the minors must be paid.

Regarding the second question, even if you are currently unemployed, the answer is still affirmative, that is, that despite having lost your job or having your income reduced, alimony must continue to be paid. For this reason and in the case of not paying the pension, the other parent may file a civil lawsuit for the execution of the sentence, although it should be borne in mind that the judicial system is currently paralyzed in its day-to-day life, meaning that it is only active for those situations that are of special urgency. Therefore, and in the event of a breach of this type while the state of alarm lasts, the custodial parent may not initiate any legal proceeding against the non-compliant parent, but may only notify him of the breach of the judicial resolution and wait for the status of alarm in order to be able to interpose said procedure of execution, requesting therefore the collection of the amounts due as alimony.

Another thing is that if the non-payment of the pension is due to the loss of employment as a result of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, the other parent could not file a criminal complaint for a crime of non-payment of alimony, since for the concurrence of this crime it is required a clear will of not paying and it is evident that this would not be the case, since the reason for the non-payment is a fact that has not been caused explicitly, but has been caused by the coronavirus pandemic that therefore is an impediment to pay and not a capricious will to default the judgment. Therefore, the other parent could only claim civil actions, and specifically, the enforcement of sentence that we have indicated above.

Our recommendation is to try to reach an agreement with the other parent regarding how it will be possible to contribute given the current situation due to the lack of income, either by postponing part of the debt or cancelling part of it provisionally during the period that both parents shall specify in detail. Our advice is that, if an agreement is reached, it ought to be written down. But it also should be borne in mind that if, on the other hand, the other parent does not agree to reach an agreement, the other parent may file for civil enforcement actions.

Now, in the event that the situation of unemployment or loss of income lengthens or lasts over time beyond the state of alarm decreed by the Government, in this case, the parent who has had their capacity substantially reduced may file a procedure for modifying the measures of the divorce or custody judgment issued in the past, in order to request the reduction of alimony due to the new existing circumstances. Only after the Judge issues a sentence or Order with some measure that authorizes a reduction in the amount of the pension, it will be then that the parent must pay a lower amount.

In short, a reduction of the pension, in cases of discrepancy, can only be valid if there is a judicial resolution that modifies that pension that was established in the divorce or custody judgment.

In this situation, we must appeal to common sense and encourage cooperation between parents in order to avoid harmful confrontations for minors, children and the global family that has already been affected by the crisis as a result of the expansion of COVID -19 and for the restrictive measures that have been adopted from the Decree that declares the state of alarm.

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Buenas, tengo cierta duda. ¿Puede mi expareja exigirme compartir un gasto extraordinario en el que estoy en desacuerdo porqué es innecesario?, Además le estoy dando una opción más factible económicamente, la cual no acepta. Y en caso de que ella decida correr el gasto sin mí previo consentimiento, ¿me corresponde pagar la mitad?

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AOB Abogados


Hola Alejandro,

Necesitaríamos examinar el convenio regulador o sentencia para darte nuestro parecer. En principio, si se trata de un gasto extraordinario no necesario debería contar con tu consentimiento para que te pueda repercutir el importe según el porcentaje que te corresponda. Por ello, en princpio, estando en desacuerdo, no deberías afrontar dicho coste.

De todos modos, si quieres que nuestro equipo de abogados valore de forma personalizada tu caso y pueda revisar la sentencia y/o convenio, utiliza alguno de los servicios legales online que encontrarás en nuestra web.

Un saludo



Hola, Me gustaria que me resolviesen una duda. Mi ex marido se quedo sin empleo en octubre de 2020. Nuestro acuerdo es de custodia compartida teniendo que ingresar cada uno 200€ al mes en una cuenta de nuestra hija para los gastos de colegio y demas. En total son 12 los meses que no ingreso su parte en la cuenta,quedandose esta practicamente a 0 ya que el colegio segui pasando los recibos. En Abril de 2021 empezo a trabajar pero solo ha vuelto a ingresar la cuantia mensual. Le he dicho que tiene que ir reponiendo lo que dejo de ingresar y su respuesta siempre es que no tiene dinero,que no le llega. ¿Hay algun modo legal de reclamarle eso ahora q si tiene recursos?,o la falta de empleo le exime del pago ya de esa cuantia?. Gracias Raquel




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Hola Alonso,

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Hola,mi pareja se ha quedado sin trabajo y sin ningún tipo de ingresos por lo que no puede hacer frente al pago de pensión de alimentos de su hijo. Su exmujer le ha dicho que si no le abona el próximo mes lo denunciará por lo penal,puede ir a la cárcel si no tiene ingresos? Puede el hacer algo para notificar su cambio económico? Comentar que le pasa 303 '60 euros al mes por un hijo solo. Tenemos una hija en común y otros tres niños que son míos y solo entra mi sueldo en casa,Gracias y un saludo



Hola si tengo una demanda penal donde se da un auto de cuantía por un juez por una cantidad determinada esa es solo pagada por un solo progenitor

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AOB Abogados


Hola Ruben,

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Un saludo

Kati dela cruz


Quiero saber qué derechos tengo antes el padre que no quiere trabajar para pagar la pensión alimenticia de 3 niños

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AOB Abogados


Hola Kati,

Para consultas muy específicas disponemos del servicio de consulta legal online via web, que encontrarás en el menu superior de nuestra página web dentro de servicios online y en 24 horas laborables recibirás respuesta por escrito por un abogado especialista en la materia. Consulta las condiciones de este servicio.

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Un saludo



Buenos dias,ESTOY DIVORCIADO Y ESTOY PASANDO para mis dos hijas una pension de 500 euros,desde hace un año tengo un trabajo que es eventual y temporal.ahora mi ex me exije que recalcule el pago de la pension al alza.Con un trabajo temporal esto se puede hacer? muchas gracias

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AOB Abogados


Hola Marco,

Para consultas muy específicas disponemos del servicio de consulta legal online vía web, que encontrarás en el menú superior de nuestra página web dentro de servicios online y en 24 horas laborables recibirás respuesta por escrito por un abogado especialista en la materia. Consulta las condiciones de este servicio.

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